Just last year millennials became the highest percentage of workers at 35% while baby boomers only make up around 25% and Gen Xers are around 33%. With baby boomers retiring at a rapid rate many industries are struggling with filling their positions. The labor market in the United States is also at a competitive peak with more than 6 million job openings meaning companies must do everything they can to attract the younger crowd.
A great place to start doing this is your website. Everyone knows that millennials are known for being on their phones all the time so during their job search this attitude is no different. As a company looking to appeal to this crowd you want to make sure that your website is responsive and adaptable. It should be able to be seamlessly displayed on a variety of devices. The application process should also be mobile friendly.
Not only are millennials known for being on their phones they are also known for using social media. This is also important in recruiting and job searching. A company that is looking to attract millennials should have a social media presence where they focus on showing what it is like to work at their company and in their industry. Social media can also be used to promote your company’s community involvement, as this is an important factor to millennials as well. When Alyssa Michaels, ChemCeed’s Customer Service Representative, began searching for a job she stated, “Before the interview I looked at the company and was happy to see that they were NACD certified. It showed that they not only cared about their business and employees but the environment as well.”
The industry is changing not only in pricing aspects but in the people that are behind the businesses. It is important that company’s keep this in mind as we move into a new age of workers and the ideas that they bring along with them.