Ethanol is a consumable alcohol most often produced from fermentation of corn or other grain feedstocks. In the US, ethanol sold in its pure form is regulated by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and is subjected to a Federal Excise Tax. To avoid paying the steep Excise Tax, some users opt for a “denatured” ethanol. These products are ethanols which have various denaturants added to them to render them non-consumable. Denatured ethanols are categorized into Specially Denatured Alcohols (SDAs), Completely Denatured Alcohols (CDAs), and Special Industrial Solvents (SISs). The SDA’s have minimal denaturants added to them, and although they are not subject to the Federal Excise Tax, the TTB requires users of these products to obtain an Industrial Alcohol User Permit which specifies the amount of alcohol the user can purchase annually. CDA’s and SIS’s do not require a permit to purchase and are not subject to the Excise Tax. If you are looking to use an ethanol product in your formulation and have questions about these products and their regulation, your ChemCeed representative would be happy to assist you.
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