Benzotriazole (BTA) is known for its great versatility. BTA is a corrosion inhibitor of high purity for copper, copper alloys, and yellow metal protection. Benzotriazole works by creating a complex between copper and benzotriazole which functions as a passivation layer to protect the metal from corrosion. It is also commonly used in water cooling systems. BTA can be used as a silver polishing agent in dishwasher detergent, automotive antifreeze, as a restrainer in photographic emulsions, and use as a lubricant additive. BTA can also be derived to create anti-fading agents for metals, antiseptic agents, UV-absorbers, pesticides, and photoconductors. BTA derivative are effective as drug precursors as well. BTA has more applications in brake fluids, cleaners, coatings and adhesives, flooring, fuels, inks, tires, and water treatment. Benzotriazole also possesses antihypertensive, antibacterial, analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
ChemCeed can offer this product in bags, and supersack quantities. Please contact your ChemCeed Sales Representative about additional packaging options and BTA solutions that can be made.