Boy Scouts Visit ChemCeed Headquarters

Last week, a group of local Boy Scouts visited ChemCeed’s facility to learn about chemistry in order to earn their science badge.  ChemCeed’s vice president, Rolly Enderes, showed them lab equipment and taught them about exothermic reactions.

Product Focus: High-Molecular Weight Polyethylene Glycols

Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs) are a versatile chemical for formulating in a wide variety of manufacturing industries, from cosmetics to plastics. The properties of PEGs make them useful for enhancing solvency, lubricity, and hygroscopicity. While useful in production processes as mold release agents, lubricants, and anti-static process aids, PEGs are also chemical intermediates in the production... Read more »

3D-Printed Music Scores Help The Blind Feel Every Note

The University of Wisconsin’s Mechanical Engineering department has found a way to use 3D printers to make 3D music scores for the blind. The 3D music scores are in its early stages and the engineers have to overcome some hurdles like how to mass-produce them. For more information:  

NYC Bans Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers And Opens Market To Alternatives

Despite the chemical industry’s heavy protesting and lobbying, NYC finalized its ban on polystyrene food and beverage containers. The city’s Dept. of Sanitation claims that the polystyrene foam is not recyclable or reusable. Chemical manufacturers of these products are arguing that polystyrene is indeed recyclable. Other cities that also has banned the use of polystyrene... Read more »