California has recently been under widespread flood warnings for large amounts of snow and rain. Areas have reported different values with some mountain range communities being snowed in and receiving 16 feet in two weeks. Others have reported snow on beaches as well.
The rain alone is a problem for low-lying areas already dealing with destructive flooding from the snow, but the rain on the deep mountain snow has triggered widespread flood warnings. The soil is saturated, therefor leaving all the rainfall to run off. Damages listed are power outages, forced evacuations, halt to flights, road closures, and even a blown-out window of a downtown skyscraper.
According to the DHS, 90% of natural disasters within the US involve flooding. Consequently, floods inflict more economic damage and loss of life and property than any other natural hazard. Flooding has an average damage cost of $4.8 billion per event. In 2018, Wisconsin saw more than $233 million in damages from storms. Flooding caused more than $845 billion in damages across the US since 2000.
Flooding can cause a freeze in businesses and influence the national economy. Shipping delays, trucks unable to transport, rerouting of trucks, and blocked/closed roads are a few of the many issues that people and businesses can face with flooding. These issues affect not only those in the flood zones, but also those who distribute over the US.
With the warm weather coming and reaching the start of spring, here’s a few tips from Wisconsin Emergency Management on flood safety:
- Know your flood risk by assessing the potential for flooding of your property
- Consider flood insurance
- Don’t wait until it’s too late
- Build a “Go Kit”
- Make an emergency plan
- Keep up with building maintenance
- Move valuables and elevate or flood proof appliances, etc.
- Stay up to date on the forecast
- Never drive or walk through flooded areas- turn around, don’t drown
- To protect health:
- Stay out of flooded waters which can contain bacteria from human and animal waste, hazardous chemicals, etc.
- If your home floods, follow cleaning and disinfection guidelines to avoid mold growth
- If using a generator keep it outside at least 20 feet from your home to avoid illness or death from carbon monoxide.
- If power goes out for 4+ hours, throw away refrigerated food or any food that comes in contact with floodwater.