COVID-19 Response and ChemCeed

As an essential business, ChemCeed understands now more than ever how important our role as a chemical supplier is during this global crisis. Although our office staff are now working from home, ChemCeed is open for business to ensure all the essential medical, pharmaceutical, water treatment, food and beverage, and other industries receive the raw materials they need to continue to provide services.

In particular, ChemCeed has seen a strong demand for alcohols and solvents used in the manufacture of disinfectant and hand sanitizer products used to combat the spread of COVID-19. Many new companies are now producing these vital products to meet the demands of their local hospitals, nursing homes, first responders, and other institutions.  ChemCeed would like to offer our support and resources to these companies during this time.

Both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) have released updated guidance on the temporary manufacture of these products during this emergency.  The FDA has indicated that the agency does not intend to take action against manufacturing firms that prepare alcohol-based hand sanitizers for consumer use and for use as health care personnel hand rubs.  The TTB has also waived certain requirements involving permits and taxes.  The official guidance from these agencies can be found at the links below:

ChemCeed offers the below products for these purposes. We would like to stress that during this high demand time, in order to help as many institutions as possible, many of the below products are currently on strict sales control. Our inventory status changes rapidly, and all quotations and orders are subject to confirmation and availability.  Please contact us for information any of the below items: