ChemCeed is known for their excellent customer service and quality chemicals at an exceptional price, but are there some things about our company that you don’t know? Did you know that everyone who works at ChemCeed is a parent? ChemCeed strives to make their customers feel like a part of the team. To really drive that thought, we are going to reveal 10 fun facts about our employees! It’s a great way to get to know the friendly but powerful team that you have at your fingertips when you work with ChemCeed. Drum roll please!
10. Game Time
With an even split of three on three, the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings are the most liked sports teams in the office!
9. Who Let the Dogs Out?
Here at ChemCeed we like pups as much as we like people! Everyone in the office is a proud pup parent boasting a total of 8 pups!
8. It’s Not All About the Dogs!
Don’t you fret, cats are loved here as well! Dana’s cat, Midori, holds a special place in her heart.
7. Not Only Proud Pet Parents, Proud Parents Too
Everyone at ChemCeed is a proud parent not only to their pets but to their kids as well! Myra and Vickie are the lucky ones with the biggest clan with three kids each. Alyssa’s family just welcomed in the newest ChemCeed baby only 6 months ago!
6. Catching Some Z’s
Being a parent can sure wipe you out, Myra and Mel love sleeping whenever they can! Shhhhh, don’t wake them!
5. What’s Cooking?
While Myra and Mel nap, you can find Katrina in the kitchen cooking up a storm! She loves taking a recipe and putting her own touch on it.
4. Foodies
Hopefully Katrina is making pizza, Vickie and Alyssa’s favorite, with something chocolatey for dessert for Dana!
3. Magical Mischief
Something magical is afoot with Dana and Alyssa listing Harry Potter as their favorite books AND movies!
Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July tied for the favorite holiday of the team. The most unique answer goes to Rolly who said his favorite is Mel’s birthday, our hearts!
1. We Value Commitment
Myra has been married for the longest going on 20 years, Rolly and Mel come in second at 15 years, and Dana swings into third at 10 years! Congratulations to you all!
Quality Employees and Quality Chemicals.
ChemCeed is always striving to improve their customer service and relationships. Now that you know a little about us we would love to know more about you! Make sure to contact a ChemCeed Sales Representative with any of your raw material needs.