Chippewa Falls, WI – ChemCeed, a leading supplier of specialty chemicals and lubricant additives, will be attending the 77th STLE Annual Meeting & Exhibition at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach in Long Beach, CA from May 21-25, 2023. ChemCeed is excited to showcase its innovative products and connect with industry professionals at... Read more »
President Biden’s administration has proposed the toughest-ever rules on car pollution, in a move that is expected to have a significant impact on the automotive industry in the United States. On April 12, 2023, EPA announced new, more ambitious proposed standards to further reduce harmful air pollutant emissions from light-duty and medium-duty vehicles starting with... Read more »
Lately all eyes have been on the economy amid fears of a recession. According to a new report by the Commerce Department, the U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 1.1% in the first quarter of 2023. This was down from a 2.6% growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2022. The slowdown in... Read more »
US railroads typically transport more than two million carloads of hazardous material each year including many chemicals that are hazardous including fertilizer, ethanol, crude oil and chlorine. The train derailment on Feb 3rd 2023 in Ohio has made news headlines all over the world. Since then, other train derailments have been in focus and now... Read more »
California has recently been under widespread flood warnings for large amounts of snow and rain. Areas have reported different values with some mountain range communities being snowed in and receiving 16 feet in two weeks. Others have reported snow on beaches as well. The rain alone is a problem for low-lying areas already dealing... Read more »
ChemCeed will be attending ILMA Engage in Tuscon, Arizona from April 20-23, 2023. ILMA, the Independent Lubricant Manufacturing Association, hosts this event annually to discuss industry trends, sustainability and other important topics related the the lubrication industry. Engage also features several opportunities for networking. Tom Allred, National Sales Representative, and Vice President Rolly Enderes are... Read more »
ChemCeed will be attending the 2023 International Petrochemical Conference (AFPM) in San Antonio, Texas, from March 26-28, 2023. ChemCeed would like to invite customers and vendors to schedule meetings with our team by contacting us at or (715) 726-2300. For more information on the 2023 International Petrochemical Conference, held by AFPM, please visit
ChemCeed will be attending the 2023 Association for Materials Protection & Performance (AMPP) Annual Conference & Expo (formerly NACE and SSPC). The event will be held in Denver, Colorado, from March 20-23, 2023. ChemCeed would like to invite customers and vendors to schedule meetings with our team by contacting us at or (715) 726-2300.... Read more »
More than 15 million Americans are expected to be impacted by hazardous winter weather this week, as a storm system prepares to pummel the the US from Texas to West Virginia. In addition to winter precipitation, temperatures have reached dangerous and record lows in other portions of the country. Accidents and dangerous conditions have heavily... Read more »
ISO 9001 is a quality management system of standards that assists organizations with ensuring that standards are met for service and quality, as well as statutory and regulatory compliance. The current standard is ISO 9001:2015 and is the international standard for quality management. One of central tenets of ISO 9001 is improvement. Quality Management... Read more »