Month: October 2018

ChemCeed Now Offering Non-Phthalate DINCH Plasticizer

ChemCeed is pleased to introduce the addition of DINCH to its product line. DINCH is a non-phthalate plasticizer that is well suited for PVC applications including flooring, wall coverings, films, hoses, adhesives and sealants. It is non-toxic and SVOC free, making it a prime choice for applications where PVC comes in close human contact. Its... Read more »

Formulation 101: Lithium Complex Grease

The first use of grease dates back to ancient times, when man first used animal fats and vegetable oils to reduce friction. Analysis of these crude lubricants shows that lime was sometimes mixed in as a thickener, making this the first complex grease. The science of lubricating technology has come a long way since ancient... Read more »